

The Great Wall − ウチ空間


▶ 展示作家名(ABC順)
赤瀬川原平・ジョルジュ・バタイユ・藤 浩志・福島春香・舟田亜耶子・イップ・ルービング・今村 源・稲垣敦雄・井上あかり・岩城直美・梶木奈穂・柏原えつとむ・加藤万也・河崎ひろみ・北辻良央・小林 椋・前田久美・丸山直文・松井智惠・南 新也・三島喜美代・森末由美子・村岡三郎・中川佳宣・中原浩大・中原祐介・峯村敏明・中山明日香・成実憲一・野村 仁・小野田 実・佐古やちよ・笹井史恵・関根 勢之助・清水直子・塩入ゆり・菅井 汲・束芋・田口伸子・髙木智子・谷原菜摘子・谷井ひろ子・辻 和美・上田順平・割石ヒロミ・山崎らん


2020年6月18日(木)〜 7月18日(土) 


■ 展示風景VRページでご覧いただけます!(新しいページで開きます)■




This is the second exhibition of Great Wall, the exhibition of contemporary art and its related books and documents from the gallery collections.
This theme is UCHI space, UCHI is word in Japanese and it is contain the idea of house, inner space, myself, shot, hit…
This spring, many people might have time to faced to inner things during staying at home. Travel at the house, repeatedly eat much and training much, playing the game till lose interest for it, camping inside of the house to make self-confident place, harvesting some vegetables such as cherry tomato, throwing away the things you don’t need, have virtual drinking parties online, and so on…Since our previous life and social rhythm do not work, receive this time unexpectedly. While faced with life-threatening situations, on the other hand, we think this time is meaningful. In this collection, the show expresses such a time of feelings of joy and sorrow through our collections.