



Apr.30th Tue– May. 11th Sat, 2024
12:00~18:00 (Monday closed)




An empty hotel hallway, a windowless underground swimming pool, a shopping mall after a late show, a warehouse we suddenly wander into, a game arcade before it opens.  Time-space that is already there before we see it, and that we later realize it was there. The backyard of a closed room beside us. We noclip out of reality and wallow in them. Tachibana focuses on things that can be seen beyond national frameworks, unrelated to history and culture: interchangeable and massive entities that stand aside from us, and anonymous places that are discovered retroactively. He describes the sensation of suddenly witnessing such entities or places as “Noclipping”. It is the dual sensation of <I accidentally slipped into it> and <that was there before I saw it>. It is more mundane than the two theses of photography: <I met it at that very moment> and <that has been>. Yet it is the most uncertain sensation for us. It is the sensation of “seeing something”: the irreversible yet replaceable “eye-being” sensation.

<Profile>Bachelor of Concept and Media Planning course, Kyoto City University of Arts (2023) Enrollment in the Master’s Program in Fine Arts Kyoto City University of Arts (2023)  He works to capture the probabilistic and uncertain world in a realistic way, while dealing with various media with a focus on architectural models.